
时间:2015-07-02 06:45:47
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能力的英语作文 篇一

Title: Developing and Enhancing Your Abilities


In today's competitive world, having abilities and skills is essential for success. Whether it is in academics, professional life, or personal relationships, our abilities play a significant role in determining our achievements and satisfaction. Therefore, it is crucial to develop and enhance our abilities to reach our full potential. In this essay, we will explore the importance of abilities and discuss some effective strategies to develop and improve them.


1. Identify your strengths and weaknesses:

The first step in developing your abilities is to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Reflect on your past experiences, achievements, and challenges to determine the areas where you excel and the areas where you need improvement. This self-awareness will provide a starting point for your development journey.

2. Set clear goals:

Once you have identified your strengths and weaknesses, set clear goals for yourself. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals). For example, if you want to improve your communication skills, set a goal to participate in a public speaking course within the next three months.

3. Seek learning opportunities:

To develop your abilities, seek learning opportunities that align with your goals. Attend workshops, seminars, and training programs related to your areas of interest. Take advantage of online resources, such as tutorials, webinars, and e-learning platforms. Additionally, consider joining clubs or organizations where you can learn from others who share similar interests.

4. Practice regularly:

Developing abilities requires consistent practice. Whether it is playing a musical instrument, writing, or problem-solving, regular practice is crucial for improvement. Dedicate a specific time each day or week to practice and challenge yourself to go beyond your comfort zone. Remember, practice makes perfect!

5. Seek feedback and learn from failures:

Feedback is essential for growth. Seek feedback from mentors, teachers, colleagues, or friends who can provide constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement. Additionally, embrace failures as learning opportunities. Analyze your mistakes, identify areas for improvement, and make necessary adjustments to enhance your abilities.


Developing and enhancing our abilities is a lifelong journey. By identifying our strengths and weaknesses, setting clear goals, seeking learning opportunities, practicing regularly, and seeking feedback, we can continuously improve and reach our full potential. Remember, abilities are not fixed but can be developed and expanded with dedication and effort.

能力的英语作文 篇二

Title: Overcoming Challenges to Build Resilience


Abilities are not only measured by our skills and knowledge but also by our resilience in overcoming challenges. In life, we often face obstacles and setbacks that test our abilities to adapt, persevere, and bounce back. Building resilience is crucial for personal growth, success, and well-being. In this essay, we will explore the importance of resilience and discuss effective strategies to overcome challenges and build resilience.


1. Embrace a positive mindset:

A positive mindset is crucial for building resilience. Instead of dwelling on failures or setbacks, focus on the lessons learned and the opportunities for growth. Cultivate gratitude and optimism to maintain a positive outlook even in difficult times.

2. Develop problem-solving skills:

Challenges often require problem-solving skills. Develop your ability to think critically, analyze situations, and find creative solutions. Break down complex problems into smaller, manageable tasks and tackle them one by one. Seek advice from others and consider different perspectives to broaden your problem-solving abilities.

3. Build a support network:

Having a strong support network is essential for building resilience. Surround yourself with positive and supportive individuals who can offer encouragement, advice, and practical help when needed. Share your challenges and seek their guidance to gain different perspectives and insights.

4. Practice self-care:

Taking care of yourself is vital for resilience. Prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough rest. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it is reading, painting, or spending time in nature. Remember to recharge and rejuvenate to maintain your physical and mental well-being.

5. Learn from failures and setbacks:

Failures and setbacks are opportunities for growth. Instead of being discouraged, embrace them as learning experiences. Analyze what went wrong, identify areas for improvement, and make necessary adjustments. Use failures as stepping stones towards success and view setbacks as temporary obstacles that can be overcome.


Building resilience is a continuous process that requires effort and determination. By embracing a positive mindset, developing problem-solving skills, building a support network, practicing self-care, and learning from failures, we can overcome challenges and build resilience. Remember, resilience is not the absence of difficulties but the ability to bounce back stronger and wiser.

能力的英语作文 篇三

  It is always a hot topic that what should a boss focus on more, someone pay their attention to ability, and what they think is "ability is everything" ,but at the same time, some others argue that the opposite one--diploma is more important.

  In my opinion, different choice should be made on different occasion, in other words, in different situation. If person the boss faced are young men who just graduate from universities, then diploma and how does the man show in university should be think about more, there is an old saying: a man should always be responsible for his job(在其位,谋其政),as a student ,he has an obligation to do his study well ,and at this point ,a beautiful school report card is great, at least it proves his study ability, which is very essential for the coming days, and because he is so young that he owns the enthusiasm on work, which is also a necessary factor. But if whom the boss faced is a forty old man and just fired a company or be fired by the original corporation , then the boss would think a lot of such things as work ability , experience and so on. Then the diploma would be seen nothing as it is just a history to him.

  All in all ,both of them are important, of course ,there are some else are also indispensably, to the boss ,before making a choice, think about what he want best, namely, which person he need best is most important.

能力的英语作文 篇四

  Honesty Comes First

  I think it is right to fire her, though she is now good at the job. Her fake diploma does help her, but it also does harm to others. It is unfair for others to compete in the job hunting. So I think honesty should come first. Nowadays, more and more students tend to cheat in exams. I think it is a serious problem. Though you can get higher marks and be praised by others, you should clearly realize that it does do harm to others and even yourself. The fame is temporary and you won‘t get real knowledge.

  In a word, we should be honest and honesty must come first.

  Society Calls For Honesty

  Personally, I am in favor of the company‘s decision on firing the woman. Abilities are not always the most important, though one‘s personality of being honest is what really matters. If the woman was not laid off, no one could guarantee that she wouldn‘t go against honesty any more.

  Society calls for honesty. When accepting someone as a friend, one will always take his honesty, rather than abilities into account. However, some of our own actions are the same case with that young woman. Take cheating in exams for example. Have you ever cheated in exams Most of your answers to this question, I think, are " yes", but the marks are really worth selling your honesty out.

  A fake diploma will not always help, but the personality of being honest will go with you forever and make things smooth. Now have you attached importance to honesty Have you made up your mind to be an honest man .

能力的英语作文 篇五

  Curiosity and creativity go hand in hand. Only when a person is curious about something can he control his mind and produce something creative.

  When creativity comes into full play and produces things that have never been done before, people become more and more curious about what’s going on around them. But curiosity and creativity are different because curiosity is what drives creativity, and creativity requires action.

  If one stays in the curious stage, he will accomplish nothing.





能力的英语作文 篇六

  Beautiful outlook indeed attracts people’s attention, if people have the beautiful outlook, of course they will give people deep impression, just like the saying that everyone has the mind of appreciating beauty. But we must figure out the fact that outlook can’t decide everything, only the ability can do it.

  The good example is Mariah Sharapova, she is a famous tennis player. Early in her career, people noticed her beautiful outlook, but more and more beautiful female tennis players come into being, only Mariah gets famous all the time, the reason is that she is outstanding amongst these girls. She has won so many championships, which makes her the most attractive girl. Beautiful outlook opens a door for people, but only the ability makes them standing all the time. People will get the genius respect for their hard working instead of their attractive faces.




