
时间:2017-01-05 08:48:14
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百万英镑英文读后感范文 篇一

"The Million Pound Bank Note" is a fascinating story written by Mark Twain, which explores the concepts of wealth, power, and human nature. The story revolves around a young man named Henry Adams who finds himself in London penniless and desperate. He is given a million-pound banknote as a social experiment and soon discovers that his mere possession of this piece of paper grants him access to a world of privilege and opportunities.

From the beginning, the story highlights the stark contrast between the rich and the poor. Henry Adams, a man who has never known wealth, suddenly finds himself thrust into the upper echelons of society solely because of a piece of paper. This raises questions about the value we place on money and the power it holds over our lives. It also exposes the superficiality of society, where one's worth is determined by their wealth rather than their character.

As the story progresses, Henry Adams faces numerous challenges and temptations. He is constantly tested by those who seek to exploit his newfound wealth. However, he remains humble and refuses to succumb to the allure of material possessions. Through his character, the author conveys the importance of integrity and staying true to oneself, regardless of the circumstances.

Furthermore, "The Million Pound Bank Note" delves into the idea of the American Dream. Henry Adams, an American in an unfamiliar land, is able to rise above his circumstances and navigate the complexities of British high society. This highlights the universality of the human experience and the notion that with hard work and determination, anyone can achieve success, regardless of their background.

The story also serves as a commentary on the nature of money and its influence on society. Twain portrays money as a double-edged sword – capable of both elevating and corrupting individuals. While it opens doors for Henry Adams, it also exposes the greed and dishonesty of those around him. Through this, the author encourages readers to examine their own relationship with money and to consider the impact it has on their lives and relationships.

In conclusion, "The Million Pound Bank Note" is a thought-provoking tale that delves into the complexities of wealth, power, and human nature. Mark Twain skillfully intertwines these themes to create a narrative that challenges societal norms and prompts readers to reflect on their own values. It serves as a reminder that true wealth lies not in material possessions but in integrity, kindness, and the pursuit of one's dreams.

百万英镑英文读后感范文 篇二

"The Million Pound Bank Note" by Mark Twain is a captivating story that explores the power of perception and the influence of wealth on human behavior. The narrative follows the journey of Henry Adams, a man who finds himself in possession of a million-pound banknote. Through this premise, Twain delves into the complexities of societal expectations and the way in which money shapes our interactions and perceptions.

One of the key themes in the story is the notion of the self-fulfilling prophecy. Henry Adams, despite being initially unaware of the value of the banknote he possesses, carries himself with confidence and self-assuredness. As a result, others perceive him as a person of great wealth and treat him accordingly. This highlights the impact that our own beliefs and attitudes have on the way others perceive and treat us.

Furthermore, "The Million Pound Bank Note" exposes the arbitrary nature of wealth and social status. Henry Adams, a man who has never experienced wealth before, is suddenly thrust into a world of privilege solely because of a piece of paper. This challenges the traditional notions of meritocracy and highlights the role that luck and circumstance play in determining one's social standing. It also raises questions about the fairness and inequality inherent in society.

The story also explores the concept of human nature and the way in which wealth can corrupt individuals. Henry Adams faces temptations and challenges throughout his journey, with people constantly trying to exploit his newfound wealth. This highlights the greed and dishonesty that can arise when money becomes the primary motivator. Twain uses this to caution readers about the dangers of materialism and the importance of maintaining one's moral compass.

Moreover, "The Million Pound Bank Note" serves as a critique of societal norms and expectations. Through the character of Henry Adams, Twain challenges the idea that wealth equates to worth and happiness. Despite his newfound fortune, Adams remains grounded and true to himself. This highlights the importance of personal values and the need to resist conforming to societal pressures.

In conclusion, "The Million Pound Bank Note" is a thought-provoking story that delves into the complexities of wealth, perception, and human nature. Mark Twain skillfully weaves together these themes to create a narrative that challenges societal norms and prompts readers to reflect on their own values. It serves as a reminder that true happiness and fulfillment can only be found by staying true to oneself and valuing integrity over material possessions.

百万英镑英文读后感范文 篇三

Based on Mark Twains novel, The Millionaire Pound Note takes an interesting satirical look at the hypocrisy stemming from class distinction in the England. England is a country where class and wealth are given extreme significance, especially among the rich. The film shows the hypocrisy that existed among these people, how the rich are quick to change face when in an instant they find out that youre a man of wealth and how within the next moment they revert back to their condescending selves when all wealth is lost.

Interestingly, The Millionaire also briefly looks at how the English perceived Americans in that era. Rich Americans were welcomed as outsiders and the poor were quickly shunned away. The fact that hes an outsider either makes him more appealing or the complete opposite. The story sticks to the main theme by emphasizing on the hypocrisy of the upper class society but at the same time it also creates a balance that prevents the movie from being a mockery of the British society.

The movie drags at some point but the love story appears at the right time and there is plenty of comedy to keep one entertained. A charming Gregory Peck totally nails the part and the luminous Jane Griffiths is a treat. Reginald Beckwith, as Pecks sidekick Rock is amusing. The ending is a little predictable but the director does an overall good job by rounding it up and presenting his points.

百万英镑英文读后感范文 篇四

See here, I am very envious of this so lucky the hero, but I want to: people reason to please him, because it was not that people are reading too much money to it? Worship of money is shameful, and something for nothing we should not! Money is not a panacea, in the world there are many more important things than money .

Mark Twain"s short story with one million pounds is a very good work. Article on the money is everything Money is omnipotent, the ideas of irony, exposed the ugly face of capitalist society.

Millions of pounds refers to a poor, honest man, that is, the hero of this story has received a pair of brothers, a letter which gave him one million pounds. It turns out that the brothers played a bet, gambling, if a poor, honest man knocking on the door of one million pounds received, he will be what results? His brother that he would starve to death because he could not prove that the money was his own, will be someone else"s question, even the banks do not let him save. Little brother that he would be getting along very well, so they are brothers to one million pounds to lend a check of this poor people, and spent 30 days abroad.

Did not expect at this time, people have the rare sudden riches millionaire, went so far as hard to win over him, from free to eat, buy clothes, to free accommodation, one by one like a beggar, like to please him, and continue to improve his social status, it was only in addition to Wang"s highest outdoor Duke on! Not only that, he also got a good wife and ? 30,000 in bank interest, and finally from two brothers, there has been a very good job. Lived a very, very happy life.

百万英镑英文读后感范文 篇五

The guy put on a very mean face and said, "ah, really? Well, of course, I didn't expect you to have any change. I think a rich man like you will only bring big bills. " This made me angry, so I said, "my friend, don't judge a stranger by his clothes and hats alone. I can afford this suit, but I don't want to embarrass you. I'm afraid you can't change a big bill

This is the highlight of the million pounds. At that time, the shop assistant scorned and ridiculed the tramp Adams, and then saw the surprise expression of a million pounds, which was described by the author. I was deeply attracted by the humorous story.

This book is the classic of Mark Twain of America. The book tells about a clerk of a mining agent who lost his way in sailing a yacht too far away. He was rescued by a double masted sailing ship bound for London, and used it as a sailor to pay for his journey. After arriving in London, he was still penniless. At this time, an old gentleman, calling him and giving him a letter, told him to leave (liuxuue86. Com). He came to a small restaurant and opened the letter. He was almost stunned by the contents of the letter! There was a one million pound note in it! So, overnight, he became a household name. In London, everyone knew him. At a dinner party, he fell in love with an English girl named Portia longham and married her. After that, he knew that the old gentleman who gave him money was her adoptive father. At his wedding ceremony with Portia, the old gentleman gave him the one million pound note as a gift, and he also found a good job.

This book satirizes some people who can't resist the temptation of money. They think that money is omnipotent. In reality, I think money is absolutely not omnipotent. The theory of money omnipotence is very wrong. Money can buy a bed, but not sleep; money can buy food, but not taste; money can buy books, but not knowledge Money can really satisfy people's vanity, but these are all false, and the most real thing is people's magnanimous life. Like Adams, he lost his money, but he still lives an optimistic life. What we need to do is to treat our life with a calm heart. We should strive for our own life by ourselves. There is no free lunch in the world, only the hardworking people will have harvest. Even if you're rich, it's not sure you'll get everything you want.

百万英镑英文读后感范文 篇六

Today, I read a million pounds, almost finished with a smile. Mark Twain's writing is very humorous, and uses exaggeration to describe the hero's "killing the snobbish eye with a million dollar bill" again and again. In his cartoon style, he depicts the various ugliness of different characters in front of "million pounds", which is humorous, funny and full of interest. It is just like a caricature of the world, which vividly shows what the common people see and hear, which makes people laugh.

"Million pounds" describes an American living in London, Henry Adam, lost for some reason, was rescued by a ship, and then came to London with the ship. He was penniless and lonely. His two rich brothers lent him a check for a million pounds and made a bet on his survival if he didn't cash the check for one million pounds in 30 days.

He went to the restaurant to eat first, and the boss was very mean to him first, and then, when he "carefully said," please change. " The boss returned to normal and repeatedly apologized that he couldn't find the big ticket. No matter what I said, he didn't take it. He wanted to see it. He looked at the big ticket. It seemed that he could not satisfy his eyes, but he was afraid to touch it. It was as if ordinary people would lose their life when they took the immortal spirit on the ticket. I said, "I'm sorry to trouble you, but I have to do something about it. Change, please. I have no other tickets with me

He said that it doesn't matter. I'll talk about it later. I said, I won't be here again for a while; but he said it doesn't matter, he can wait, and besides, I can come whenever I want, and I can settle the account whenever I want. " I can't help but laugh at this, and I can't help but despise the shopkeeper in the eyes of power.

After that, Henry went to the clothing store to buy clothes, but he was of

ten blinded. When he took out a million dollar bill, he took it with a smile. It was the ubiquitous smile, with wrinkles and folds in it. It was like throwing a brick into a pool of water; But at a glance at the banknote, his smile froze and his face changed, like the undulating, insect like solidified lava you see on the ledges of Mount Vesuvius. I've never seen anyone's smiling face freeze into such an awkward situation. " At this time, the shopkeeper came with a flattering smile. "Sir, please take off these things and throw them into the fire. Please look forward to wearing this shirt and this suit; it's appropriate, too appropriate - simple, elegant, solemn, it's completely noble Look, here! It's amazing. I've never seen such a beautiful dress in my life You are holy, sir, holy; I dare say that this suit will last for a while Reading this, I can't help but sigh at people's snobbishness. The rich flatter the rich and roll their eyes when they see the poor. What an unequal society

Mark Twain emphatically exposed the money worship of the society at that time, money! Became the standard to measure everything! These plots are ridiculous, and they reflect people's snobbish eyes. I can't help but think that some doctors can do unnecessary examination for patients, take unnecessary medicine for patients, and make fake more serious than real! In the eyes of such doctors who have lost medical ethics and humanity, money is more valuable than life! This kind of behavior is worse than the phenomenon in million pounds! Recently, I saw a news that excellent students in high school entrance examination were impersonated If Yu Ding's father has money, he can make his children take the place of others, not only by scores, but also by name, identity and household registration It's all replaced. For more than ten years, the victim has been reduced to a black family to work outside. Because he is bullied, the other is educated and paid

Mark Twain's short story million pounds is a good work. The article satirizes the idea that "money is everything" and "money is omnipotent". In fact, there are many things more precious than money in the world: morality, friendship and honesty. So I think, between money and conscience, morality, we can make the right choice!


